Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sometimes You Think Something Is Going to Be Bad, and It's Not. Yay.

Rick writes:
4-24-10 Saturday
Yesterday's return to hemo was not so bad. I kept myself as motionless as a stone for four hours and had no serious cramping until bedtime.
The edema I've been unable to get rid of for a month on PD disappeared during the 4 hours of hemo. They pulled off 2.2 kilos of water weight during the time (one of the causes of cramping is dehydration).
I hope the coming week goes by quickly. It's going to be another hard go-go marathon for which I may need Mary's help by Wednesday, to get me to hemo after Tuesday's mid-afternoon surgery.
On Monday, Mary's going into the court house to see if we're actually having a court trial starting up with the ****** Case (name concealed to protect all involved). The lawyers were supposed to have a meeting last week to see if it was possible to settle out of court but no one contacted us to divulge the results. Likewise we've received no information on whether the trial has been put off due to a lack of available judges.

Mary writes:
You know how sometimes it seems like everything happens at once? This is one of those times for us. I'm filling out all kinds of applications for various programs for Rick and for me; tomorrow I have to go in and see if there is a trial I'm supposed to be attending, and whether I am or not, after that I have to go to various agencies and offices to turn in applications & documentation. Don't know when I'll get home. Rick has dialysis in the evening, so we'll be two ships passing in the night, so to speak.
Thanks and a tip of both our hats to friends Pen & Kathy who fronted us a ferry pass which will enable us to both go to Seattle and make it home this week without having to both spend from early in the morning to late at night in town.
This week is the last week I have medical insurance, so I'm going to have an ultrasound Tuesday morning and then stick around while Rick has his surgery Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday it appears I'll be driving him in to dialysis. Thursday we may just pass out. Unless I have to be in a courtroom.
The court trial: a person fell off one of our porches two and a half years ago and broke an arm, and has refused to settle with our homeowner's insurance company ever since, and is insisting on a court trial. The trial has been scheduled to start tomorrow, Monday the 26th, for months, but now may not go forward and may be continued until who knows when. I wish someone had given me a call on Friday to let me know for sure the trial was off for Monday. Sure would simplify my life. I wish I didn't have to be there, but Rick and I are the ones being sued, so I guess one or both of us needs to show up, and he's busy staying alive, so I'm it.
Hope your week is more tranquil & peaceful than ours will be.

1 comment:

  1. was great to hear your voice on the phone. I'm hopeful you can get beyond this infernal commute to Seattle and succeed with stuff at home. This is an experiment and somewhere there is a control group. They are getting the placebo.
